Sermon Audio

Rev. Eric Landry - January 17, 2021

John 12:36b-50

Gospel of John: The Final Week

A Theology of Unbelief - With these final verses of John 12, the public ministry of Jesus draws to a close. Instead of the crowds, Jesus will now spend his time with his closest disciples. The next time the people see him, he will be paraded through the streets of Jerusalem and delivered over to be crucified. John uses these final verses of chapter 12 to talk about the unbelief of the people of God. As we consider this text together on Sunday, I want us to explore the multifaceted reasons for unbelief and the ultimate solution to unbelief. Understanding the theology of unbelief is important not just for people you know who have rejected the claims of Christ, but even for us who—as Christians—will sometimes struggle to believe the gospel promises we know are true. Join us this Sunday as we fix our eyes on the author and finisher of our faith, Jesus Christ the Righteous.

From Series: "Gospel of John: The Final Week"

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