Holy Week 2025
Redeemer will be hosting events and services to celebrate the week leading up to Easter 2025. See the details below and plan on joining us for this special occasion!
Palm Sunday: April 13
Our children will lead us into worship with the Procession of Palms! If you would like your child/ren to participate, please bring them to the north narthex entrance 10 minutes before the service you attend.
Maundy Thursday: April 17
Come at 6:30 p.m. for our traditional Maundy Thursday Feast, a wonderful meal prepared by our in-house cooks and kitchen volunteers. Be ready to RSVP on March 30 and April 6 in the courtyard!
Good Friday, April 18
Evening service at 7 p.m., will feature congregational singing, music from the Redeemer Choir, and readings from the Gospel of Luke. Nursery care will be available.
Easter Sunday, April 20
We will celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior at our usual service times – 8:45 and 11:15, with no School of Discipleship and no Evening at Redeemer activities.