The fall 40 Days for Life prayer vigil began September 22 and will continue through October 31. This peaceful, prayerful campaign is held each fall and spring in cities across the world to draw attention to the injustice of abortion. While we stand and pray outside local abortion facilities, trained volunteers are there to offer tangible help and hope to women, men, and their unborn babies.

Redeemer has adopted Friday, October 22 to show up on the sidewalks for prayer and presence at both north and south abortion facilities. Every person involved in or impacted by an abortion is a fellow image-bearer, and we are there to show nothing but love and compassion to each of them.  As a reminder, you don’t have to do any talking. Trained sidewalk advocates will be ready to engage in peaceful conversation should the situation arise. Please take a look at either of these forms (north and south locations respectively) and consider signing up and marking your calendars for a one-hour slot to join us on the sidewalks on October 22.

NORTH site

SOUTH site

Every Sunday in the month of October, we are collecting baby items to donate to the Heart of Texas Pregnancy Resource Center. So bring your gently used baby clothes and accessories, or purchase diapers, wipes, etc. and bring them to the nursery reception counter. The center serves women and their young children, and giving to them is a wonderful way to express your pro-life values. You can also make a financial contribution here.

If you have any questions, please contact Ellen Stroud at or (512) 577-2602. Let’s show the love of Jesus to the vulnerable and hurting in our community to remind them that they are not forgotten.