We are excited to welcome you to worship this Sunday. Please review this checklist. It will prepare you for some of the small changes that the session has implemented during this extraordinary season. (The revised information appears in color.)

  • Pray for yourself, your family and friends, all those leading the service, and those who will attend.
  • Do you feel comfortable attending worship? If not, a livestream option will be available.
  • Are you a member of an at-risk category? If you are 65 or older, especially those with chronic lung disease; moderate to severe asthma; chronic heart disease; severe obesity; diabetes; chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis; liver disease; or weakened immune system, you should consider staying home and joining us via livestream. (Families with very young children might also want to consider this option, keeping in mind that nursery care will not be provided at church.)
  • If you have had any known contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19, please do not come to worship until 14 days after exposure. Anyone who is running a fever, cough, or other flu-like symptoms should also stay home.
  • RSVP for the service you plan to attend (8:30, 10:00, or 11:30). RSVP site
  • Although we are not requiring face masks, some people are choosing to wear them.
  • Practice social distancing as you enter the sanctuary. 
  • Take a bulletin from an usher. (Please take the bulletin home after the service.)
  • Find a seat close to the front and toward the center aisle (an usher will be inside to help).
  • Try to fill in the rows (while leaving two seats between you and someone not in your household). Leave unoccupied rows for large families/groups.
  • Consider setting up “bill pay” through your bank to contribute your offering. A plate will be available at each exit if you bring cash or a check. We will not take up an offering during the service.
  • To receive communion, exit your row toward the side aisle when an usher indicates it is your turn to do so. Take the stacked cups of bread (on the bottom) and wine/juice (on the top) from a tray on the table at the front of the sanctuary. A gluten-free option will be available on each table, as well. Eat, drink, and be satisfied! Throw away the cups in the small trash cans and return to your seat down the middle aisle.
  • After our final hymn, please promptly leave the sanctuary so our cleaning team can sanitize the chairs, door handles, surfaces, and bathrooms before the next service. 
  • Please practice social distancing as you leave the sanctuary. Remind your children that the playground is closed.
  • If you develop a fever, cough, or other flu-like symptoms after attending worship, please immediately notify the church staff.