Please note that our livestream on Sunday will take place at 10:00 a.m. on the website home page.
Message from Pastor Eric:
Redeemer has just passed an important milestone in our life together during the COVID-19 pandemic: we have now been meeting together for our Divine Services longer than we were apart in the early days of the lockdown. Even though our services look and feel a little different than they did in late winter/early spring, I am grateful to worship God with you and to mark each Lord’s Day as another day of celebration for God’s goodness to us in Christ.
My gratitude this past Sunday was renewed when I heard Ruling Elder Barry McBee express our corporate thanks to God during his prayer of supplication that no one at Redeemer has been sickened by the virus. In an effort to continue to provide a safe and welcoming atmosphere, I am writing to announce two changes to our services that will take effect this Sunday, July 5.
“Mask-only” service
First, our 8:30 a.m. service will now be designated as a “mask-required” service. A number of regular attenders and members have asked us to consider having one service where masks are required as a way of welcoming back to worship those who feel most at risk of getting sick from the virus. If you choose to attend the 8:30 a.m. service, please plan on bringing a mask and wearing it through the entire service. Ushers and communion servers will also be wearing masks (those leading the service from the chancel or choir gallery will not be wearing masks). Masks will not be required at either the 10:00 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. service, though we encourage you to use them upon entering and leaving the sanctuary.
Taking communion together
Second, we are changing our practice of communion slightly. Instead of consuming the bread and wine while walking from the communion table back to your seat, we are asking you to hold the elements and then partake of them together as a congregation after everyone has returned to their seats. This simple change will, I hope, help us to better reflect the unity we have with one another and with the risen Christ in the Eucharist.
As always, I appreciate your good humor and your willingness to “roll with the punches” as we continue to navigate the various challenges posed by the virus and our response to it. Please continue to pray for the pastors, elders, deacons, and staff as we try to make decisions about fall scheduling and future planning. As you have needs or prayer requests, please don’t hesitate to contact us.