At our church-wide annual meeting in December, Pastor Eric told us that as Redeemer continues to mature and grow, we are looking to build our permanent sanctuary home. This Sunday we presented some special news: The Session has appointed Susanna McBee and John Roberson as co-chairs of the sanctuary’s Capital Campaign Committee, and serving along with them are Elder Ken Kieley, Deacon Aaron Rhinehart, Cara Dublin Goodbrake, Christian Hollinger, Hannah Strickland, Elizabeth Thompson, Taylor Thompson, and Tisha Welch.

It’s not often that we know we’re doing something really important. This is one of those times. As Pastor Eric told us in December, it’s time to realize a vision Redeemer has had for more than 20 years—building a beautiful, solid stone sanctuary to bless Austin for not just decades, but for centuries!  Below is a rendering of what this sanctuary will look like.  Our deepest desire as a church is to be visited by God in the Divine Service and to respond to him in worship. The sanctuary you see in the rendering above is that encounter with God made manifest.

The committee will spend the next several months praying, listening, and preparing. To help us, the Session has brought in an experienced, objective partner—The Canaan Group—to listen to the whole congregation. Their charge is to learn what concerns or questions there are, and also what level of enthusiasm there is. Please respond to the survey they will send to congregation members in June.

In the late fall, shortly after Redeemer’s 30th birthday, the committee’s work will go into full bloom as we expect to go to a public phase of the campaign. We will work to secure commitments toward building the sanctuary. Then over the next few years, the building will be built.

We’ve always marveled at the level of commitment shown by the people of Redeemer. We love this body of Christ, we love to serve in it, we sacrifice for it. We don’t just go to church; we are this church. And we will have to serve together as a whole church in building this sanctuary.  Please let us ask these things of you:
– First, if you have any questions or concerns, find a member of the committee and talk with them. We are here to represent you and to serve you.
– Second, please pray for us. Pray for wisdom in this building project. Pray for this church and our pastors and our city. Pray about what resources God has entrusted to you that he would have you commit to build this sanctuary.
– Third, when the Canaan Group sends out the survey in a couple of weeks, please respond to it.

We look forward to serving you and serving with you, and, Lord willing, to worshiping together with you in our permanent, dedicated, solid stone sanctuary home.