
Update from Our Session

Dear Redeemer Family and Friends, Acts 8:1 records the terror of the days immediately following the stoning of Stephen, the first martyr for our faith: “And there arose that day a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem, and they were all scattered...
Message for Our Community

Message for Our Community

To our friends in the Austin Community, In light of the recent outbreak of COVID-19 and the governmental measures imposed in Austin to lessen the likelihood of its spread, Redeemer has decided to suspend our regular Sunday worship services until future notice. We...
Next Intro to Redeemer Class

Next Intro to Redeemer Class

Interested in learning more about Redeemer? Interested in becoming a member of the church? Plan to attend our upcoming Intro to Redeemer class! Pastor Bryce Waller will  lead  discussions  on  the  mission,  vision,  history,  and  values of our church, as well as...
Worship Explained

Worship Explained

A series of posts by Pastor Eric Landry that help explain our liturgy, providing a context for worship with understanding. The Divine Service The “Divine Service” is the term we use to describe our weekly, public, gathered conversation with God.  It is...

Family Discussion Questions

From Pastor Eric This spring, we are continuing to study the Gospel of John. Here are some questions to help your family think through the passages we’re studying in the next few weeks. 1. In John chapters 7-8, Jesus is in Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles....