Our Mission Spotlight feature for July is Hill House Christian Study Center, a ministry located at 2104 Nueces St., on the campus of the University of Texas. Hill House supports students and faculty who are asking questions about God, discerning their sense of calling, and discovering how faith informs every area of life. Nurtured by a tradition of Christian living and scholarship that takes both the Bible and contemporary culture seriously, Hill House seeks to provide a hospitable environment that equips students to confidently go into the world and integrate their faith in academia, the workplace, and the community.

Founded by Greg and Mary Jane Grooms in the 1990s, the ministry is led by Bill Walker. Before coming to Hill House, Bill served as the Director of Vocation at Christ Church of Austin, where he oversaw ministries in the areas of spiritual formation, faith and work, and vocational discernment. Bill leads the organization with a deep appreciation and passion for the importance of growing in faith, seeking truth, and exploring one’s sense of calling as a young adult.

Executive Director Bill Walker

In their recent annual report, Bill wrote: “We are still a humble and relatively small organization serving a very big university, and this is part of what distinguishes us. But we are witnessing an energy, a growth, and a movement at Hill House right now that I can’t explain and that we didn’t manufacture.”  Bill reports that attendance at the weekly gatherings has doubled over the previous year, with visits from 350 different students.  “A firm foundation has been laid at Hill House for many years, and now we find ourselves in a time of revitalization and growth. The momentum of the growth and bounty of young men and women eager to grow their faith is both joyous and daunting.”

Each semester, students gather on a weekday evening for a meal, a presentation, and lively discussion. In addition to the instruction led by the director, various guests are invited to teach and speak. Other events (Film Forums, coffee/study sessions, weekend excursions) and opportunities for connection and community are offered as well. To learn more, visit their website and follow them on Instagram. You can view their annual report here.

How You Can Support Hill House in Prayer
Pray that the summer months would be a time of renewal and rest for the staff as they plan for the upcoming semester.
– Pray for the Lord’s leading in opportunities to disciple the growing number of students who attend events and lectures through conversations about God, faith, and truth.
– Pray for Bill Walker, his wife, Whitney, and their three young children as they balance ministry and family life.
– Pray for wisdom for the Hill House board of directors, two of whom are Redeemer members: Carolyn Ahrens (board chair) and Barry McBee (secretary).
– Pray for the Lord’s provision of funding to meet the challenge of the growing number of students who are engaging in the ministry.
– Pray for the Fall Kickoff Dinner and Discussion to be held on Tuesday, August 22.