After missing so much of our usual Holy Week services and celebrations in 2020, we are rejoicing that we can gather for these events this year!

Palm Sunday, March 28
All children from age three to grade six are invited to take part in the Procession of Palms, echoing Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. Please bring your children outside the north narthex entrance 15 minutes before the start of the service you attend. Each child will be given a palm branch to carry down the aisle during the entrance procession. This provides a concrete way for our children to participate in the life of the church!

Maundy Thursday, April 1  FEAST POSTPONED
We will not be gathering for our traditional feast as originally planned. Be watching for a new date, as we plan to reschedule the feast.

Good Friday, April 2
The Service of Darkness this year will feature readings from the Gospel of John. On Friday, April 2, we will have two services: 6:00 and 7:30 p.m., with masks required in the second service, which will be live streamed on our website home page. Childcare will be provided.

Easter Sunday, April 4
Celebrate with us our Lord’s resurrection and victory over death! Regular service times – 8:45 (mask required) and 11:15 (mask optional). No School of Discipleship classes or Youth Group will be held that day. Live stream on our website at 11:15 a.m.