Peru Short-Term Trip
June 30-July 8, 2023

Peru Mission’s goal is to build a city on a hill through church planting in the urban centers of Northern Peru. The churches they plant are supplemented by additional ministries such as a medical clinic, a seminary, college ministry, a school, Christ Kids (a financial sponsoring program for children), and micro-finance lending.

Peru Mission incorporates a rotation of short-term mission teams from the US to support various aspects of their ministry. For example, some teams complete needed construction projects, while others support their children’s ministries or the work of the medical clinic. The time and effort these teams put in frees up resources for future development and expansion of Peru Mission’s ministry.

We are excited that Redeemer is again sending a team to serve with Peru Mission from June 30-July 8. Our team will be doing construction on a public park area adjacent to the school and medical clinic and helping in the children’s ministry of the school. In addition, two doctors on the team will assist at the medical clinic.

If you are interested in supporting this trip financially, you can put a check in the offering plate made out to Redeemer Presbyterian Church with “Peru Mission trip” in the memo line. These donations will go towards funding the team’s in-country project. Please pray that the Lord will use their time in Peru to strengthen his body there. You can learn more about Peru Mission through their website,, or find out how to sponsor a child through Christ Kids at