Principles of Freedom - In this section of Paul’s letter, he uses very familiar characters from the Old Testament to help illustrate the problem the Galatians are facing: rather than living in the supernatural freedom they are entitled to as children of the promise, they are fitting themselves for the chains of slavery to an obsolete covenant. Paul ends this section with a rousing call to live in the freedom Christ has won for us. Heeding that call is just as important in twenty-first century Austin as it was in first century Galatia. Join us this Sunday to discover why. Galatians 4:21--5:1.
Free in Christ is our summer sermon series on the Book of Galatians. This letter is probably the first that Paul wrote, and is among the earliest books of the New Testament. It foreshadows the conflict in Acts 15 at the Jerusalem Council. It also shows a range of emotions for the Apostle Paul, who is incredulous at heretical developments in the churches he planted in what is now south-central Turkey.