Rev. Eric Landry - March 16, 2025

Mark 9:30-50

Seeing Jesus: Gospel of Mark

Who are the great men and women in history? What makes them great? Victory in war? Leadership in government? Fame? Service to humanity? At the end of Mark 9, Jesus identifies three different traits of Christian greatness. But be forewarned! There is also a shadow side to these traits exemplified in the person of Judas Iscariot, the one who will betray Jesus. In what direction is your heart pointed? We’ll explore all this and more together on Sunday.

From Series: "Seeing Jesus: Gospel of Mark"

The Gospel of Mark is known for its quick pace. Jesus, as Mark tells it, does everything “immediately.” The picture of Jesus we get from Mark isn’t of a languid guru, but of a man on a mission. As we return to our spring sermon series in the Gospel of Mark, we’ll give special attention to the picture of Jesus Mark is conveying to his readers. For in Jesus, God’s king and God’s kingdom has come…and nothing can ever be the same again.

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