As you gather for worship on Sunday morning you’ll notice a section of seating at the back along with the organ. This is for Redeemer folks who gather to provide support and encouragement to the remainder of the congregation in our singing and responses. Weekly, these choir members commit to an additional 4 1/2 hours and an extra trip into town on Wednesdays! Not everyone can make this level of commitment, but please consider the use of your gifts in this ministry.
The Redeemer Choir meets each Sunday morning at 8 a.m. to prepare for that morning’s liturgy. You should plan to sing in both services; the choir is dismissed before the sermon in both services.
If you love to sing and to serve, please consider joining the Redeemer Choir. There are no auditions; just come to a Wednesday evening rehearsal at 7 p.m. in Covenant Hall. We will give you a folder and you can sing along with us! For more information about the Redeemer Choir, please visit with Chief Musician George Dupere after services (at the back of the hall) or contact him at 512-708-1232;