The Session recently approved a request from Eric that he be granted a sabbatical in the summer of 2022 for time to spend with his family.  Given the roaming life of a pastor’s son and Eric’s own many moves throughout the country, he wants to take some time to consider more deeply the concept of place in his life, including his place in the history of his and Sarah’s families. He, Sarah, Drew, and Allie would travel for three months during June, July, and August 2022 to explore their roots and spend a much-needed season away from the demands and pressures of the church. The Session heartily and unanimously endorsed his request.

While Eric is away, the church would also explore our place in Austin and our neighborhood, looking more closely at where God has planted us and how we might better minister to our immediate neighbors, UT, the State Capitol, and this fast-growing, increasingly technology-driven city.

Through an innovative program of the Indianapolis-based Lilly Endowment, we are seeking a grant to help cover the costs of the sabbatical (Eric’s travel and our added costs in his absence). The application for this grant through Lilly’s National Clergy Renewal Program was recently submitted and is under consideration. We will hear the results of our application by the end of August. (Whether or not we receive the grant, Eric will take a sabbatical, although some of its details might change.)   

We ask you to be in prayer for the Endowment committee that will be reviewing Eric’s and other pastors’ applications, for Eric and Sarah as they plan the sabbatical, and for our hearts within Redeemer to use the time wisely to better discern our place and calling to help build the kingdom of our Lord in Austin.

If you have any questions, please talk to any one of us.

The Redeemer Session