The Redeemer session has announced a congregational meeting to be held after each service on September 18, for the purpose of electing new ruling elders and deacons. The three nominees for elder are: Dan Allen, Gerson Brisola, and Ken Kieley. The nominees for the office of deacon are: Victor Longstreth, Mike Matlock, Lee Maverick, and Chris Price.

Each nominee has written a bio, which you can read here, and you are encouraged–if you don’t know them already–to find opportunities over the next few weeks to get to know these men.

Pastor Eric said, “Electing pastors, elders, and deacons to serve in the local church is a sacred duty of the members of the church. We task these officers with leading the congregation. Our members vow obedience to them. Let me encourage you to approach this sacred duty with appropriate solemnity: once elected, our officers serve for life (except in special circumstances where they need to step away from their duties for a season or if they are removed from their office because of sin). Commit our nominees to prayer. Spend time with them. Vote for them not out of habit but because you are ready to submit to them as under-shepherds of Christ and leaders of the local church.”

If you have any questions about the process for electing officers at Redeemer Presbyterian Church, please contact Eric at