Presbyterian Church in America
Redeemer is a part of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), a denomination of connected and aligned Presbyterian churches in the United States, Canada, and around the world. We’re highlighting this month some of the ways Redeemer Austin participates through our giving in the broader mission of the PCA on a national and regional level. In addition, our pastors and elders participate in the regional (South Texas Presbytery) and national bodies that govern our denomination. In fact, we will be sending a group of commissioners (pastors and elders) to the 51st General Assembly (national meeting) of the PCA that will convene in Richmond, Va., June 10-14. Please pray for these men and for all the committee work and business of the church that will be done during those days, as well as for unifying times of worship and fellowship.

The PCA has several permanent committees and agencies that Redeemer supports, as outlined below. Links are provided for more details.

Mission to North America, MNA
This important agency focuses on church planting, ministerial training, and the spiritual vitality of both ministers and churches. MNA also has several ministries of focus that Redeemer utilizes, including Mercy Ministry consulting and training, Engaging Disability, ESL ministry, Disaster Relief, and the PCA Unity Fund.

Mission to the World (MTW)
Mission to the World is the agency of the PCA responsible for training missionaries, overseeing and supporting mission teams, and spearheading our efforts to spread the gospel around the world. MTW prepares and serves 543 long-term missionaries and 996 short-term missionaries in 100 countries around the world. Redeemer support the agency as well as individual missionary families.

PCA Unity Fund
The purpose of this fund is to raise up minority Ruling Elders and Teaching Elders. The fund was established by the 44th General Assembly to help raise up future generations of godly, reformed, African American and other minority Ruling Elders and Teaching Elders.

Reformed University Fellowship
Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) is a campus ministry that reaches college students from all backgrounds with the hope of Jesus Christ. College is a time when beliefs are explored, decisions are made, and lives are changed. RUF campus ministers and staff invite students into authentic relationships and the study of God’s Word. Through the ministry of RUF, students discover the love of Christ, find their significance in God’s redemptive story, and engage in the life of his church.

South Texas Presbytery
South Texas Presbytery is one of 88 Presbyteries in the PCA. A presbytery is a regional body of churches that work together to govern the local church, ordain and credential ministers, oversee the orderly nature of church government and worship in its region, and to co-labor for the glory of God and the spread of the gospel. Our presbytery meets quarterly for worship and fellowship, and to govern the churches under our care together in South Texas (from Georgetown to Corpus Christi, San Antonio, to College Station). We oversee the ordination of all ministers, including RUF campus ministers. We hear reports about local church plants and new works in South Texas, and we handle any conflicts that need the collective wisdom and attention of the Presbytery.

Local Church Plants (Reach South Texas)
Pray for church planters in our area: Byron West (Dripping Springs), Ben Hailey (College Station) and Adam Radcliffe (Northwest Austin). Pray for continued providence for financial support and funding, pray for conversions and baptisms as people come to faith, and pray for these planters and their families.