Sermon Audio

Rev. Eric Landry - January 16, 2022

John 17:6-19

Gospel of John: Jesus, Our Great High Priest

Last week, we returned to the Gospel of John and examined the first five verses of the High Priestly Prayer of Christ in chapter 17. This week, we continue in chapter 17 and discover the primary petition of Christ’s prayer: that the disciples would be “kept” in the name of God. One of the great comforts of this prayer is how realistic it is: Jesus knows that the disciples will be "tempted, tried, and sometimes failing” (as the hymn “Jesus What a Friend for Sinners” says). But, Jesus prays for them and he prays for us that we might be kept in the name of God. What does it mean to be kept in the name? How can we be assured that we are kept, especially when everything around us is falling apart?

From Series: "Gospel of John: Jesus, Our Great High Priest"

This Sunday we return to the Gospel of John to see our great High Priest at work. First, in his prayer. And then in his atoning work on the cross. Over the spring we’ll walk with Jesus through the final hours of his earthly life and then experience the joy (and confusion) of his disciples when they discover that he has risen from the dead. Along the way we’ll gain a greater understanding of the heart of Jesus for you and me, as well as the goal of his redeeming work that stretches as far as the curse is found.

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