October 5, 2014 The Song of the Vineyard Preacher: Rev. Paul Hahn - guest preacher & Rev. D.P. Cassidy Series: 20th Anniversary Passage: Isaiah 5:1-7 Service Type: Sunday Morning PausePlay% buffered00:0000:00UnmuteMuteDisable captionsEnable captionsSettingsCaptionsDisabledQuality0SpeedNormalCaptionsGo back to previous menuQualityGo back to previous menuSpeedGo back to previous menu0.5×0.75×Normal1.25×1.5×1.75×2×4×PIPExit fullscreenEnter fullscreenPlay Bible Text: Isaiah 5:1-7 | Preacher: Rev. Paul Hahn – guest preacher & Rev. D.P. Cassidy | Series: 20th Anniversary « Congregational Song in the Divine Services Does Liturgical Presbyterianism Have a Future? »