in the month of May, our Mission Spotlight is Side by Side Kids (SBSK), one of the ministry organizations Redeemer supports.  SBSK provides free, after school programs to public school students in East Austin. They serve elementary students from some of the most under-resourced neighborhoods, where thousands of kids have no supervision or a safe place to go after the bell rings. SBSK curriculum was developed with University of Texas professors to encourage and equip children through personalized homework help, a healthy meal, mentoring, and a character-building curriculum.

They are on a mission to inspire and equip kids in East Austin to be excellent students, make wise choices, and follow Christ. To achieve this mission, they focus on character traits such as compassion, kindness, and perseverance. They incorporate a variety of teaching strategies through reading, physical activities, music, games, and art.

Ways You Can Help
SBSK always needs volunteers! This can be as a classroom assistant, event volunteer, or enrichment volunteer. Find out more about these roles here.

Over the years, they have extended to multiple campuses, and are now experiencing record breaking enrollment numbers. Unfortunately, this has resulted in a waitlist of over 100 students who are not able to attend our program. Their goal is to raise $100,000 to fund these students after school care. To help in this effort, you can make a one-time donation, give monthly, or provide supplies for program activities. Details here.

Get to know Side by Side Kids by visiting their website: