On Sunday, February 26, at 6 p.m., the Youth Group and adults will gather in Covenant Hall to hear our guest speaker, Tim Pickavance. Tim is on the faculty of Biola University in California, where he serves as interim dean of the Talbot School of Theology. After doing his undergraduate work at the University of North Texas, he got his master’s in philosophy at Biola in 2003, then came to Austin, earning a Ph.D. in philosophy in 2008 at the University of Texas. During their time in Austin, he and his wife Jamie were active members here at Redeemer. In the ensuing years, Tim has collaborated with Daniel Eaton on some articles, and has written several books, most recently Knowledge for the Love of God: Why Your Heart Needs Your Mind.

During our Sunday evening session, Tim will speak on topics related to his book, then we’ll have lots of time for Q&A. Tim has provided this preview:
“The author of Hebrews tells us that it is ‘by faith we understand.’ This is perplexing, since we often think of faith as something blind or irrational. So what is going on? How can faith give rise to understanding? And how can embracing this reality deepen our knowledge of Jesus Christ? We’ll answer these questions by considering a strange but beautiful thread binding together Proverbs 1, Corrie ten Boom, and Frederick Douglass.”

Join us for this opportunity to think deeply about our faith!
If you’d like to pick up a copy of the book, you’ll find it here.