At Redeemer, we believe that worship on Sunday (or the “Lord’s Day”) is at the very heart of what we are called to be and do as a church. While we do gather in smaller, more intimate groups and studies throughout the week, we believe something unique takes place during these services when we gather to be served by God, to praise his name, and are sent out to love and serve one another and the world. When you arrive, you may park in a main lot next to the church, on the street, or―for those needing special assistance such as our more senior members or expectant mothers―we have reserved spots at the north side of the campus. Worship is held in Covenant Hall on the east side of the campus, and our nursery is located in Calvin Hall just across the breezeway (see Children at Redeemer below for more info on kids). At Redeemer, you’ll receive a warm welcome from people just like you. Redeemer members are of all ages and from many different races and nationalities and religious backgrounds. There are students, professionals, artists, dads and moms, single parents, and many children who come to worship from all over the Austin area and beyond. Whatever your background may be, you’re going to find that you can connect at Redeemer. We make it our aim to welcome and serve everyone God sends our way.


We love children, and want to make sure they feel as welcome as everyone else on Sunday mornings. For our youngest children, we have a fully- staffed, first-rate nursery for little ones from infancy up through age three. You will find the nursery check-in station just inside the doors of Calvin Hall off the breezeway. We also believe teaching our children to worship God is one of the most important tasks we have as parents. Therefore, we welcome and encourage parents to include their children in worship along with the rest of the church community. We also understand that’s often easier said than done! But, at Redeemer, you will find a community full of people familiar with that blessed struggle who find the sound of children in worship to be a joyful noise!

Our Worship Service

We have two identical worship services every Sunday that normally last between 65 and 70 minutes. You will be welcomed at the door by an usher and given a worship bulletin containing the order of worship, hymns, and scripture readings. When it’s time to begin, take a few moments to prepare for worship while the organist plays the prelude and the choir sings a brief and inspiring piece to summon us into God’s presence. One of the first things you will notice about worship at Redeemer is the more structured nature of our “liturgy” (or, order of service). Our service is structured that way because we understand worship to be a genuine “conversation” between God and his people—God speaking to us through the Bible and us responding with songs, prayers, readings, and so forth. This structure also retells the story that stands at the heart of the Christian faith—the good news that God has done everything necessary to save his people so that we can live with him forever. Click here for a series of blog posts that describe various elements of our worship liturgy in more detail.


Music at Redeemer is crafted to inspire and encourage congregational singing. We are served by an outstanding choir and very fine instrumental musicians, especially our organist. So as not to distract from the worship, the choir and organ work from the back of the hall with worship led by our pastors from the front of the sanctuary. You may find some of the hymns familiar, while some of the more ancient pieces (we sing hymns that span the whole 2,000-year history of the Church) might be new to you simply because they’re so old! Regardless of how familiar you are with the songs, you will find that the longer you’re here, the more familiar they will become.

God’s Word Read and Preached

We believe the Bible ought to occupy a central place in our worship services. Therefore, during worship we will usually have four Scripture lessons or readings, one each from the Old Testament, the Epistles, and the Gospels, with a Psalm lesson either sung or read together. After the congregational prayer, we take time for our pastors to deliver a message explaining and applying these Scripture passages in the light of Jesus’ love and grace. When the sermon is completed we stand and confess our faith together using either the Apostles’ or Nicene Creeds, ancient summaries of Christian belief.


We celebrate communion (or the Lord’s Supper) every Sunday at Redeemer. We welcome to the table all baptized Christians who are trusting in Christ alone for their salvation, have made public profession of their faith, and are part of a local church. If you are not a Christian, we ask, respectfully, that you refrain from partaking of communion, and instead use this time to consider your relationship with God. If you have any questions about Redeemer’s practice of communion or would like to know how to become a Christian, please talk to one of the pastors after the service. After worship please take a moment to introduce yourself to one of our pastors or other leaders; we’d love to say hello and get to know you better, and answer questions you may have after attending. See you soon!