
Officer Elections: March 3

Officer Elections: March 3

The Redeemer session has announced a congregational meeting to be held after each service on March 3, for the purpose of electing new ruling elders and deacons. The nominees for ruling elder are Rick Mealer and Andrew Waller. The nominees for the office of deacon are...
Lenten Service

Lenten Service

Join us at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, February 14, as we mark the beginning of the season of Lent with prayer and song. This service of reflection is a fitting way to enter the 40-day season of Lent, as we set aside time for meditation and repentance. The service features a...
Heart of Texas Pregnancy Resource Center

Heart of Texas Pregnancy Resource Center

The Heart of Texas Pregnancy Resource Center (HTPRC) serves women and couples facing unplanned pregnancies in the East Austin community and the growing community around Dripping Springs. They offer positive solutions concerning unexpected pregnancies and share God’s...
Epiphany Feasts in Small Groups

Epiphany Feasts in Small Groups

You are invited to celebrate Epiphany at a potluck Epiphany Feast! Epiphany Day is January 6, but these feasts are spread throughout the month, giving lots of opportunity for fellowship and celebration! In this season, we mark the revealing of our Savior to the...
Christmas Eve at Redeemer

Christmas Eve at Redeemer

CHRISTMAS EVE – Sunday, December 24 Morning Lord’s Day Worship | 8:45 and 11:15am Service of Nine Lessons & Carols | 4:00 and 6:00pm Our Christmas Eve service—a Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols—is patterned after the one held for more than a century at...
Hill House

Hill House

Our Mission Spotlight feature for December is Hill House Christian Study Center, a ministry located at 2104 Nueces St., on the campus of the University of Texas. Founded by Greg and Mary Jane Grooms in the 1990s, the ministry is now led by Bill Walker. Before coming...