
Safe Families for Children

Safe Families for Children

Join us on Sunday, Dec. 17, between services in Room 206 (10:15 a.m.) to hear about the mission and values of an organization called Safe Families for Children. They provide support and host homes for families who are isolated and in crisis, until parents can get back...
Annual Congregational Meeting

Annual Congregational Meeting

Please plan on coming to our annual congregational meeting at 6 PM on Sunday, December 10, in Covenant Hall.  You’ll hear an update on the church’s financial condition and our 2023-2024 budget, about opportunities to serve on committees and in other ways, the ongoing...
Missions Spotlight: Matt Gallegos

Missions Spotlight: Matt Gallegos

This month we are featuring a ministry that is new to the list of organizations we support. Redeemer member Matt Gallegos is in his fifth year of working with Texas Student Mobilization (StuMo), which exists to build reproducing followers of Christ from UT to reach...
All Saints’ Feast

All Saints’ Feast

Plan to join us at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 5, as we celebrate the feast of All Saints’ in fall fest style! This year, our feast will feature a chili cook-off and pie baking contest. Click here to sign up to bring a dish or volunteer to help with set up,...
Biblical Theology Workshop for Women

Biblical Theology Workshop for Women

This fall, women from the Austin area and beyond will gather at Redeemer for a great opportunity for learning and fellowship. Redeemer is hosting a Biblical Theology Workshop for Women with speaker Nancy Guthrie on Friday, November 3, and Saturday, November 4. Due to...
Congregational Meeting

Congregational Meeting

At its meeting on September 5, the Session of Redeemer Presbyterian Church voted to call a congregational meeting for October 15, 2023, under Section 6.B of our By-laws. The meeting will take place immediately after each worship service. The purpose of the meeting is...