Nov 18, 2022 | Articles, News
We will be collecting donations for the Heart of Texas Pregnancy Resource Center during Advent! Please plan to bring your donations of diapers and wipes to the nursery check-in desk on Sunday mornings from November 27 through December 18. We hope to exceed the totals...
Sep 12, 2022 | Articles, News
Redeemer’s Sunday school (aka School of Discipleship) meets between services (10:15 a.m.) during the school year months, with classes for all ages. Evening at Redeemer, our Sunday night activities, begin at 6 p.m., and provide a place for everyone in the family....
Aug 29, 2022 | Articles, News
The Redeemer session has announced a congregational meeting to be held after each service on September 18, for the purpose of electing new ruling elders and deacons. The three nominees for elder are: Dan Allen, Gerson Brisola, and Ken Kieley. The nominees for the...
Apr 9, 2022 | Articles, News
Holy Week at Redeemer As we celebrate the events leading up to Easter, we recall our Lord’s journey to the cross and his victory over sin and death, sacrificing himself for our salvation and giving us eternal life! We have so much to celebrate with thankful and...
Mar 31, 2022 | Articles, News
What Happens Next? After Pastor Bryce informed the session of his desire to seek a new call, the elders created a Pastoral Search Committee to spearhead the effort to hire a new assistant pastor. In our polity, assistant pastors are called by the session, while...
Mar 2, 2022 | Articles, News
Redeemer’s Day Is March 25 Once again, this spring we have designated a day for our church to participate in 40 Days for Life together. The links to sign up to pray on the sidewalks are now live! Please join us for an hour at either location (north or south) on...