News & Articles

Side by Side Kids

Side by Side Kids

in the month of May, our Mission Spotlight is Side by Side Kids (SBSK), one of the ministry organizations Redeemer supports.  SBSK provides free, after school programs to public school students in East Austin. They serve elementary students from...

We’re Hiring!

We’re Hiring!

Redeemer is seeking a full-time staff member to join our team as a Publications and Communication Coordinator. Responsible for nearly every piece of printed and virtual material that promotes Redeemer or facilitates worship at Redeemer, this new...

Mission Possible Austin

Mission Possible Austin

For the month of April we are featuring another of the organizations Redeemer supports. Read on to learn about them, and pray for them this month. Mission: Possible! is a Christ-centered non-profit dedicated to ministering to our unhoused and...

Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry

Opportunities for Women at Redeemer There are a number of ways that women can find fellowship, support, places to grow and learn, and more! Check out the list below! You'll find groups that meet in person, online, and with varying degrees of...

Ascension Day Service: May 9

Ascension Day Service: May 9

On the church calendar, Thursday, May 9, is the Feast of the Ascension. We will gather for worship at 7:00 that evening to celebrate Jesus Christ as ascended Lord—Prophet, Priest, and King. Please join us if you are able for the Divine Service,...

Officer Nominations

Officer Nominations

Redeemer Officer Nominations: April 1 to 30  The Session is soliciting nominations for the office of ruling elder and deacon through the month of April. The nomination form is available below. Nominating potential officers is one of the primary...

Intro to Redeemer class

Intro to Redeemer class

Are you interested in learning more about Redeemer? Are you thinking about becoming a member? This class is the next step for you!  Intro to Redeemer is a two-and-a-half-hour class where you will learn about our church's mission, vision, history,...

Summer Arts Camp

Summer Arts Camp

Redeemer Arts Camp: Coming in June We have reached our capacity for Arts Camp, and registration is now closed! If you would like to be added to the wait list in case we get cancellations, please email us at We are...

Youth Director Position Filled

Youth Director Position Filled

With gratitude to God for his provision, the Session is pleased to announce that Nate Esbenshade has been hired as Redeemer's new Youth Director. As many of you know, we began searching for a new youth director in April 2023. In July, Nate agreed...

Summer Mission to Peru

Summer Mission to Peru

Peru Short-Term Trip June 28-July 6, 2024 Peru Mission’s goal is to build a city on a hill through church planting in the urban centers of Northern Peru. The churches they plant are supplemented by additional ministries such as a medical clinic, a...

Holy Week at Redeemer

Holy Week at Redeemer

As we celebrate the events leading up to Easter, we recall our Lord's journey to the cross and his victory over sin and death, sacrificing himself for our salvation and giving us eternal life! We have so much to celebrate with thankful and joyful...

Register for Parenting Conference

Register for Parenting Conference

We're bringing author and speaker Dr. John Cox to Redeemer in April for a parenting conference: Setting Parents Free. Please plan to join us on Friday evening, April 5, and Saturday morning, April 6, for this helpful and fun opportunity! As Dr. Cox...

Austin Center for Faith & Work

Austin Center for Faith & Work

February 2 and 3, Redeemer hosted a conference provided by leaders of the Austin Center for Faith & Work. During the month of February, we will  be praying for their ministry as our featured mission of the month. The Austin Center for Faith...

Officer Elections: March 3

Officer Elections: March 3

The Redeemer session has announced a congregational meeting to be held after each service on March 3, for the purpose of electing new ruling elders and deacons. The nominees for ruling elder are Rick Mealer and Andrew Waller. The nominees for the...

Lenten Service

Lenten Service

Join us at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, February 14, as we mark the beginning of the season of Lent with prayer and song. This service of reflection is a fitting way to enter the 40-day season of Lent, as we set aside time for meditation and repentance....

Heart of Texas Pregnancy Resource Center

Heart of Texas Pregnancy Resource Center

The Heart of Texas Pregnancy Resource Center (HTPRC) serves women and couples facing unplanned pregnancies in the East Austin community and the growing community around Dripping Springs. They offer positive solutions concerning unexpected...

Epiphany Feasts in Small Groups

Epiphany Feasts in Small Groups

You are invited to celebrate Epiphany at a potluck Epiphany Feast! Epiphany Day is January 6, but these feasts are spread throughout the month, giving lots of opportunity for fellowship and celebration! In this season, we mark the revealing of our...

Christmas Eve at Redeemer

Christmas Eve at Redeemer

CHRISTMAS EVE – Sunday, December 24 Morning Lord's Day Worship | 8:45 and 11:15am Service of Nine Lessons & Carols | 4:00 and 6:00pm Our Christmas Eve service—a Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols—is patterned after the one held for more than...

Hill House

Hill House

Our Mission Spotlight feature for December is Hill House Christian Study Center, a ministry located at 2104 Nueces St., on the campus of the University of Texas. Founded by Greg and Mary Jane Grooms in the 1990s, the ministry is now led by Bill...

Safe Families for Children

Safe Families for Children

Join us on Sunday, Dec. 17, between services in Room 206 (10:15 a.m.) to hear about the mission and values of an organization called Safe Families for Children. They provide support and host homes for families who are isolated and in crisis, until...