
The Hotz Family

The Hotz Family

Drs. Isaac and Anne Hotz (with their children Madelyn, Josiah, and Gideon) have been serving as medical missionaries at mission hospitals in both Africa and mainly Honduras over the past nine years. They provide medical care to the poor and needy in developing nations...
Spotlight on the Dorcas Foundation

Spotlight on the Dorcas Foundation

The Dorcas Foundation-Burundi is a non-profit foundation that helps orphans, widows, and pygmies with resources like food, clothes, school supplies, and school fees for the purpose of evangelism.  Albert Yonimiki (co-founder) recently returned from a trip to Burundi...
Epiphany Day Service

Epiphany Day Service

Please plan to join us for a special evening service at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, January 6, as we celebrate Epiphany Day! The word “epiphany” means “manifestation” or “showing forth” and it refers to the revealing of Christ to the...
Spotlight on City School

Spotlight on City School

Founded 20 years ago with support from Redeemer and its members, City School is a PreK-8th Christian school in East Austin. Operating in the Charlotte Mason educational tradition of a liberal arts education for all, City School aims to set a feast of education for...
Baby Supply Drive: November 27-December 18

Baby Supply Drive: November 27-December 18

We will be collecting donations for the Heart of Texas Pregnancy Resource Center during Advent! Please plan to bring your donations of diapers and wipes to the nursery check-in desk on Sunday mornings from November 27 through December 18. We hope to exceed the totals...
Hurricane Ian Relief Effort

Hurricane Ian Relief Effort

The Redeemer deacons are organizing our efforts to provide help and supplies for those responding to the needs following Hurricane Ian in Florida. Individual parishioners have taken steps to make donations and prepare to travel to the Ft. Myers area to provide relief...