News & Articles

Peru Mission: Wes Baker

Peru Mission: Wes Baker

Redeemer has supported Wes and Jami Baker and the work at Peru Mission for more than two decades! With Wes's upcoming visit to Redeemer on March 26 and our preparations for a summer missions trip to work at Peru Mission in Trujillo, this is a great...

40 Days for Life Sign Up

40 Days for Life Sign Up

Once again, this spring we have designated a day for our church to participate in 40 Days for Life together. The link to sign up to pray with folks from Redeemer is now live! Please join us for an hour on Saturday, March 25. Ideally we’d love to...

Peru Mission Trip 2023

Peru Mission Trip 2023

We're gathering a team to head back to Peru this Summer! The trip will be from June 30-July 8. We’ll be joining Peru Mission, one of our missions partners, in Trujillo to support the ministry on a work project. The team will be led by Brian and...

Aid for Turkey

Aid for Turkey

As we listen to recent news reports from Turkey, we are praying for relief efforts and for the churches there as they work to serve those affected by the devastating earthquake. Here is an update from Joe, one of the MTW team members in Ankara,...

Day of Prayer & Fasting

Day of Prayer & Fasting

Join us at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, February 22, as we conclude the Day of Prayer & Fasting together and mark the beginning of the season of Lent with prayer and song. This service of reflection is a fitting way to enter the 40-day season of Lent,...

Sunday Evening @Redeemer

Sunday Evening @Redeemer

On Sunday, February 26, at 6 p.m., the Youth Group and adults will gather in Covenant Hall to hear our guest speaker, Tim Pickavance. Tim is on the faculty of Biola University in California, where he serves as interim dean of the Talbot School of...

The Hotz Family

The Hotz Family

Drs. Isaac and Anne Hotz (with their children Madelyn, Josiah, and Gideon) have been serving as medical missionaries at mission hospitals in both Africa and mainly Honduras over the past nine years. They provide medical care to the poor and needy...

Spotlight on the Dorcas Foundation

Spotlight on the Dorcas Foundation

The Dorcas Foundation-Burundi is a non-profit foundation that helps orphans, widows, and pygmies with resources like food, clothes, school supplies, and school fees for the purpose of evangelism.  Albert Yonimiki (co-founder) recently returned from...

Epiphany Day Service

Epiphany Day Service

Please plan to join us for a special evening service at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, January 6, as we celebrate Epiphany Day! The word "epiphany" means "manifestation" or "showing forth" and it refers to the revealing of Christ to the world, starting with...

Spotlight on City School

Spotlight on City School

Founded 20 years ago with support from Redeemer and its members, City School is a PreK-8th Christian school in East Austin. Operating in the Charlotte Mason educational tradition of a liberal arts education for all, City School aims to set a feast...

Baby Supply Drive: November 27-December 18

Baby Supply Drive: November 27-December 18

We will be collecting donations for the Heart of Texas Pregnancy Resource Center during Advent! Please plan to bring your donations of diapers and wipes to the nursery check-in desk on Sunday mornings from November 27 through December 18. We hope...

Hurricane Ian Relief Effort

Hurricane Ian Relief Effort

The Redeemer deacons are organizing our efforts to provide help and supplies for those responding to the needs following Hurricane Ian in Florida. Individual parishioners have taken steps to make donations and prepare to travel to the Ft. Myers...

Annual Congregational Meeting

Annual Congregational Meeting

Please join us for our annual congregational meeting on Sunday, October 16, at 6:00 p.m. In addition to a year-end financial report, Pastor Eric will present the budget for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. We’ll also distribute the annual report, which...

Sunday Opportunities

Sunday Opportunities

Redeemer's Sunday school (aka School of Discipleship) meets between services (10:15 a.m.) during the school year months, with classes for all ages. Evening at Redeemer, our Sunday night activities, begin at 6 p.m., and provide a place for everyone...

Welcoming Our New Pastors!

Welcoming Our New Pastors!

We are thankful to the Lord for his provision of two new assistant pastors for Redeemer, Jon Herr and Danny Morgan. Both of these men and their families will be arriving and beginning their ministries among us during the month of September, and we...

Officer Elections

Officer Elections

The Redeemer session has announced a congregational meeting to be held after each service on September 18, for the purpose of electing new ruling elders and deacons. The three nominees for elder are: Dan Allen, Gerson Brisola, and Ken Kieley. The...

Next Intro to Redeemer Class

Next Intro to Redeemer Class

Interested in learning more about Redeemer? Interested in becoming a member of the church? Plan to participate in our upcoming Intro to Redeemer class! We will address topics such as the mission, vision, history, and values of our church, as well...

Men’s Retreat: July 22-23

Men’s Retreat: July 22-23

The men of Redeemer (and their sons!) are invited to a retreat at Camp Eternal on Friday and Saturday, July 22-23. Pastor Marcus Serven will be speaking on the topic of "Growing Strong in Christ." In addition, there will discussion times, prayer,...

Summer School of Discipleship

Summer School of Discipleship

Summer School of Discipleship This summer, we are providing School of Discipleship classes from June 5 through July 31, meeting between services from 10:15 to 11:00 a.m. Calvin Hall will be open and busy with folks of all ages engaging with God's...

Holy Week at Redeemer

Holy Week at Redeemer

Holy Week at Redeemer As we celebrate the events leading up to Easter, we recall our Lord's journey to the cross and his victory over sin and death, sacrificing himself for our salvation and giving us eternal life! We have so much to celebrate with...